
Peer-reviewed journals

  1. Woodhead, A.J., Kenter, J.O., Thomas, C.D., Stringer, L.C., 2025. How ecosystem services are co-produced: a critical review identifying multiple research framings. Ecosystem Services 71, 101694.
  2. Buckton, S.J., Kenter, J.O., Mukherjee, N., Waddock, S., Anger-Kraavi, A., Martino, S., Fazey, I., Hejnowicz, A.P., Kabubo-Mariara, J., Lafayette, J.O., Locy, K., Scarr, C., 2024. Reform or transform? A spectrum of stances towards the economic status quo within ‘new economics’ discourses. Global Social Challenges Journal 1, 1–40.
  3. Sahle, M., Lahoti, S.A., Lee, S.-Y., Brundiers, K., van Riper, C.J., Pohl, C., Chien, H., Bohnet, I.C., Aguilar-Rivera, N., Edwards, P., Pradhan, P., Plieninger, T., Boonstra, W.J., Flor, A.G., Di Fabio, A., Scheidel, A., Gordon, C., Abson, D.J., Andersson, E., Demaria, F., Kenter, J.O., Brooks, J., Kauffman, J., Hamann, M., Graziano, M., Nagabhatla, N., Mimura, N., Fagerholm, N., O’Farrell, P., Saito, O., Takeuchi, K., 2025. Revisiting the sustainability science research agenda. Sustain Sci 20, 1–19.
  4. Ives, C.D., Kidwell, J.H., Anderson, C.B., Arias-Arévalo, P., Gould, R.K., Kenter, J.O., Murali, R., 2024. The role of religion in shaping the values of nature. Ecology and Society 29.
  5. Ainscough, J., Kenter, J.O., Azzopardi, E., Wilson, A.M.W., 2024. Participant perceptions of different forms of deliberative monetary valuation: Comparing democratic monetary valuation and deliberative democratic monetary valuation in the context of regional marine planning. Environmental Values 33, 189–215.
  6. Gould, R.K., Saito, T., Allen, K.E., Bonn, A., Chapman, M., Droz, L., Herrmann, T.M., Himes, A., Ishihara, H., Coelho-Junior, M.G., Katsue, F., Kenter, J.O., Muraca, B., Ortiz-Przychodzka, S., Pearson, J., Tadaki, M., Rono, B.J., Tamura, N., 2023. Constraint breeds creativity: A brainstorming method to jumpstart out-of-the-box thinking for sustainability science. BioScience 73, 703–710.
  7. Martino, S., Kenter, J.O., 2023. Economic valuation of wildlife conservation. Eur J Wildl Res 69, 32.
  8. Martino, S., Azzopardi, E., Fox, C., Chiaroni, E., Payne, E., Kenter, J.O. (2023). The importance of local fisheries as a cultural attribute: insight from a discreet choice experiment of seafood customers. Maritime Studies 22:22.
  9. Himes, A., Muraca, B., Anderson, C.B., Athayde, S., Beery, T., Cantú-Fernández, M., González-Jiménez, D., Gould, R.K., Hejnowicz, A.P., Kenter, J., Lenzi, D., Murali, R., Pascual, U., Raymond, C., Ring, A., Russo, K., Samakov, A., Stålhammar, S., Thorén, H., Zent, E., (2023). Why nature matters: A systematic review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values. BioScience. biad109.
  10. Raymond, C.M., Anderson, C.B, Athayde, S., Vatn. A., Amin, A.M., Arias-Arévalo, P., Christie, M., Cantú-Fernández, M., Gould, R.K., Himes, A., Kenter, J.O., Lenzi, D., Muraca, B., Murali, R., O’Connor, S., Pascual, U., Sachdeva, S., Samakov, A., Zent, E. (2023). An inclusive typology of values for navigating transformations towards a just and sustainable future. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64, 101301.
  11. Pascual, U., Balvanera, P., Anderson, C.B., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Christie, M., González-Jiménez, D., Martin, A., Raymond, C.M., Termansen, M., Vatn, A., Athayde, S., Baptiste, B., Barton, D.N., Jacobs, S., Kelemen, E., Kumar, R., Lazos, E., Mwampamba, T.H., Nakangu, B., O’Farrell, P., Subramanian, S.M., van Noordwijk, M., Ahn, S., Amaruzaman, S., Amin, A.M., Arias-Arévalo, P., Arroyo-Robles, G., Cantú-Fernández, M., Castro, A.J., Contreras, V., De Vos, A., Dendoncker, N., Engel, S., Eser, U., Faith, D.P., Filyushkina, A., Ghazi, H., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Gould, R.K., Guibrunet, L., Gundimeda, H., Hahn, T., Harmáčková, Z.V., Hernández-Blanco, M., Horcea-Milcu, A.-I., Huambachano, M., Wicher, N.L.H., Aydın, C.İ., Islar, M., Koessler, A.-K., Kenter, J.O., Kosmus, M., Lee, H., Leimona, B., Lele, S., Lenzi, D., Lliso, B., Mannetti, L.M., Merçon, J., Monroy-Sais, A.S., Mukherjee, N., Muraca, B., Muradian, R., Murali, R., Nelson, S.H., Nemogá-Soto, G.R., Ngouhouo-Poufoun, J., Niamir, A., Nuesiri, E., Nyumba, T.O., Özkaynak, B., Palomo, I., Pandit, R., Pawłowska-Mainville, A., Porter-Bolland, L., Quaas, M., Rode, J., Rozzi, R., Sachdeva, S., Samakov, A., Schaafsma, M., Sitas, N., Ungar, P., Yiu, E., Yoshida, Y., Zent, E. (2023). Diverse values of nature for sustainability. Nature, 620, 813–823.
  12. Willemen, L., Kenter, J.O., O’Connor, S., van Noordwijk, M. (2023). Nature living in, from, with, and as people: exploring a mirrored use of the Life Framework of Values. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 63, 101317.
  13. Gould, R.K., Saito, T., Allen, K.E, Bonn, A., Chapman, M., Droz, L., Herrmann, T.M., Himes, A., Ishihara, H., Coelho-Junior, M.G., Katsue, F., Kenter, J.O., Muraca, B., Ortiz-Przychodzka, S., Pearson, J., Tadaki, M., Rono, B.J, Tamura, N. (2023) Constraint breeds creativity: A brainstorming method to jumpstart out-of-the-box thinking for sustainability science, BioScience, biad077.
  14. Zimmermann, A., Kenter, J.O., (2023). Framing the change and changing frames: Tensions in participative strategy development. Politics & Policy 51, 81–113.
  15. Azzopardi, E., Kenter, J.O., Young, J., Leakey, C., O’Connor, S., Martino, S., Flannery, W., Sousa, L.P., Mylona, D., Frangoudes, K., Béguier, I., Pafi, M., da Silva, A.R., Ainscough, J., Koutrakis, M., da Silva, M.F., Pita, C., (2023). What are heritage values? Integrating natural and cultural heritage into environmental valuation. People and Nature 5, 368–383.
  16. Isacs, L., Kenter, J.O., Wetterstrand, H., Katzeff, C., (2023). What does value pluralism mean in practice? An empirical demonstration from a deliberative valuation. People and Nature 5, 384–402.
  17. Flannery, W., Ounanian, K., Toonen, H., Tatenhove, J. van, Murtagh, B., Ferguson, L., Delaney, A., Kenter, J., Azzopardi, E., Pita, C., Mylona, D., Witteveen, L., Hansen, C.J., Howells, M., Macias, J.V., Lamers, M., Sousa, L., Silva, A.M.F. da, Taylor, S., Roio, M., Karro, K., Saimre, T., (2022). Steering resilience in coastal and marine cultural heritage. Maritime Studies.
  18. Martino, S., Kenter, J.O., Albers, N., Whittingham, M.J., Young, D.M., Pearce-Higgins, J.W., Martin-Ortega, J., Glenk, K., Reed, M.S., (2022). Trade-offs between the natural environment and recreational infrastructure: A case study about peatlands under different management scenarios. Land Use Policy. 123, 106401.
  19. Kenter, J.O., O’Connor, S., (2022). The Life Framework of Values and living as nature; towards a full recognition of holistic and relational ontologies. Sustain Sci.
  20. Fazey, I., Kenter et al. (2021). Social Dynamics of Community Resilience Building in the face of Climate Change. Sustainability Science 16, 1731–1747.
  21. Zimmermann, A., Albers, N. & Kenter, J.O., (2021). Deliberating our frames: How members of multi-stakeholder initiatives use shared frames to tackle within-frame conflicts over sustainability issues. Journal of Business Ethics.
  22. Ounanian, K., van Tatenhove, J.P.M., Hansen, C.J., Delaney, A.E., Bohnstedt, H., Azzopardi, E., Flannery, W., Toonen, H., Kenter, J.O., Ferguson, L., Kraan, M., Macias, J.V., Lamers, M., Pita, C., Ferreira da Silva, A.M., Albuquerque, H., Alves, F.L., Mylona, D., Frangoudes, K., (2021). Conceptualizing coastal and maritime cultural heritage through communities of meaning and participation. Ocean & Coastal Management. 212, 105806.
  23. Spanou, E., Kenter, J.O., Graziano, M., (2020). The Effects of Aquaculture and Marine Conservation on Cultural Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Hedonic – Eudaemonic Approach. Ecological Economics. 176, 106757.
  24. Slater, A.-M., Irvine, K.N., Byg, A.A., Davies, I.M., Gubbins, M., Kafas, A., Kenter, J.O., MacDonald, A., O’Hara Murray, R., Potts, T., Tweddle, J.F., Wright, K., Scott, B.E., (2020). Integrating stakeholder knowledge through modular cooperative participatory processes for marine spatial planning outcomes (CORPORATES). Ecosystem Services. 44, 101126.
  25. Greenhill, L., Kenter, J.O., Dannevig, H., (2020). Adaptation to climate change–related ocean acidification: An adaptive governance approach. Ocean & Coastal Management. 191, 105176.
  26. Kenter, J.O., (2019). Connecting with Nature: Deliberating Social Values of Ecosystems. One Earth 1–3.
  27. Kenter, J.O., Raymond, C., Van Riper, C.J., Azzopardi, E., et al, (2019). Loving the mess: Navigating diversity and conflict in social values for sustainability. Sustainability Science.
  28. O’Connor, S., Kenter, J.O., (2019). Making intrinsic values work; integrating intrinsic values of the more-than-human world through the Life Framework of Values. Sustainability Science 31, 93–19.
  29. Raymond, C.M., Kenter, J.O., van Riper, C., Rawluk, A., Kendal, D., (2019). Editorial overview: theoretical traditions in social values for sustainability. Sustainability Science.
  30. Ainsworth, G.B., Kenter, J.O., O’Connor, S., Daunt, F., Young, J.C., (2019). A fulfilled human life: eliciting sense of place and cultural identity in two UK marine environments through the Community Voice Method. Ecosystem
  31. Eriksson, M., van Riper, C., Leitschuh, B., Bentley Brimer, A., Rawluk, A., Raymond, C., Kenter, J.O., (2019). Social learning as a link between the individual and the collective: Evaluating deliberation on social values. Sustainability Science.
  32. Martino, S., Tett, P., Kenter, J.O., (2019). The interplay between economics, legislative power and social influence examined through a social-ecological framework for marine ecosystems services. Science of the Total Environment651, 1388–1404.
  33. Kenter, J.O., (2018). IPBES: Don’t throw out the baby whilst keeping the bathwater; Put people‘s values central, not nature’s contributions. Ecosystem Services33, 40–43.
  34. Ainscough, J., Wilson, M., Kenter, J.O., (2018). Ecosystem services as a post-normal field of science. Ecosystem Services31, 93–101.
  35. Raymond, C.M., Kenter, J.O., Kendal, D., Van Riper, C.J., Rawluk, A., (2018). Call for papers for “Theoretical traditions in social values for sustainability.” Sustainability Science42, 1–3.
  36. Purdy, D.H., Hadley, D.J., Kenter, J.O., Kinch, J., (2017). Sea Cucumber Moratorium and Livelihood Diversity in Papua New Guinea. Coastal Management 12, 1–17.
  37. Reed, M.S., Allen, K., Attlee, A., Dougill, A.J., Evans, K.L., Kenter, J.O., Hoy, J., McNab, D., Stead, S.M., Twyman, C., Scott, A.S., Smyth, M.A., Stringer, L.C., Whittingham, M.J., (2017). A place-based approach to payments for ecosystem services. Global Environmental Change. 43, 92–106.
  38. Graziano, M., Billing, S.-L., Kenter, J.O., Greenhill, L., (2016). A transformational paradigm for marine renewable energy development. Energy Research & Social Science.
  39. Kenter, J.O. (2016). Shared, plural and cultural values. Ecosystem Services 21, 175-183.
  40. Irvine, K., O’Brien, L., Ravenscroft, N., Cooper, N., Everard, M., Fazey, I., Reed, M., Kenter, J.O., (2016). Ecosystem services and the idea of shared values. Ecosystem Services. 21, 184-193.
  41. Kenter, J.O., Reed, M., Fazey, I., (2016). The Deliberative Value Formation model. Ecosystem Services. 21, 208-217.
  42. Everard, M., Reed, M.S., Kenter, J.O., (2016). The ripple effect: institutionalising pro-environmental values to shift societal norms and behaviours. Ecosystem Services. 21, 230-240.
  43. Raymond, C., Kenter, J.O., (2016). Transcendental values and the valuation and management of ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services. 21, 241-257.
  44. Bryce, R., Irvine, K., Church, A., Fish, R., Ranger, S., Kenter, J.O., (2016). Subjective well-being indicators for large-scale assessment of cultural ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services. 21, 258-269.
  45. Kenter, J.O., Jobstvogt, N., Watson, V., Irvine, K., Christie, M., Bryce, R., (2016). The impact of information, value-deliberation and group-based decision-making on values for ecosystem services: integrating deliberative monetary valuation and storytelling. Ecosystem Services. 21, 270-290.
  46. Kenter, J.O., (2016). Integrating deliberative choice experiments, systems modelling and participatory mapping to assess shared values of ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services. 21, 291-307.
  47. Orchard-Webb, J., Kenter, J.O., Bryce, R., Church, A., (2016). Deliberative Democratic Monetary Valuation to implement the Ecosystem Approach. Ecosystem Services. 21, 308-318.​1016/​j.​ecoser.​2016.​09.​005
  48. Ranger, S., Kenter, J.O., Bryce, R., Cumming, G., Dapling, T., Lawes, E., Richardson, P., (2016). Forming shared values in conservation management: an interpretive-deliberative-democratic approach to including community voices. Ecosystem Services. 21, 344-357.
  49. Kenter, J.O., Reed, M. S., Irvine, K.N., O’Brien, E., Bryce, R., Christie, M., Cooper, N., Hockley, N., Fazey, I., Orchard-Webb, J., Ravenscroft, N., Raymond, C.M., Tett, P., Watson, V., (2016). Shared values and deliberative valuation: Future directions. Ecosystem Services. 21, 358-371.
  50. Jones, L., Norton, L., Austin, Z., Browne, A.L., Donovan, D., Emmett, B.A., Grabowski, Z.J., Howard, D.C., Jones, J.P.G., Kenter, J.O., Manley, W., Morris, C., Robinson, D.A., Short, C., Siriwardena, G.M., Stevens, C.J., Storkey, J., Waters, R.D. & Willis, G.F., (2016). Stocks and flows of natural and human-derived capital in ecosystem services. Land Use Policy, 52, 151–162.
  51. Bull, J.W., Jobstvogt, N., Böhnke-Henrichs, A., Mascarenhas, A., Sitas, N., Baulcomb, C., Lambini, C.K., Rawlins, M., Baral, H., Zähringer, J., Carter-Silk, E., Balzan, M.V., Kenter, J.O., Häyhä, T., Petz, K. & Koss, R., (2016). Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework. Ecosystem Services. 17, 99–111.
  52. Kenter, J.O., (2015). Valuing ecosystem services: what’s the value? [book review]. Ecology, 96, 2852–2853.
  53. Kenter, J.O., O’Brien, L., Hockley, N., Ravenscroft, N., Fazey, I., Irvine, K.N., Reed, M.S., Christie, M., Brady, E., Bryce, R., Church, A., Cooper, N., Davies, A., Evely, A., Everard, M., Fish, R., Fisher, J.A., Jobstvogt, N., Molloy, C., Orchard-Webb, J., Ranger, S., Ryan, M., Watson, V., Williams, S., (2015). What are shared and social values of ecosystems? Ecological Economics. 111, 86-89.
  54. Raymond, C.M., Kenter, J.O., Plieninger, T., Turner, N., Alexander, K., (2014). Comparing instrumental and deliberative paradigms which underpin the assessment of social values for cultural ecosystem services. Ecological Economics. 107, 145-156.
  55. Jobstvogt, N., Watson, V., Kenter, J.O., (2014). Looking below the surface: The cultural ecosystem services values of marine protected areas. Ecosystem Services. 10, 97-110.
  56. Jobstvogt, N., Hanley, N., Hynes, S., Kenter, J.O., Witte, U., (2014). Twenty Thousand Sterling Under the Sea: Estimating the value of protecting deep-sea biodiversity. Ecological Economics . 9710-19.
  57. Reed, M.S., Kenter, J.O., Bonn, A., Broad, K., Burt, T., Fazey, I., Fraser, E., Hubacek, K., Nainggolan, D., Quinn, C., Stringer, L. & Ravera, F., (2013). Participatory scenario development for environmental management: A methodological framework illustrated with experience from the UK uplands. Journal of Environmental Management. 128, 345-362.
  58. Christie, M., Fazey, I., Cooper, R., Hyde, T., Kenter, J.O., (2012). An Evaluation of Monetary and Non-monetary Techniques for Assessing the Importance of Biodiversity to People in Developing Countries. Ecological Economics. 83, 69-80.
  59. Fazey, I., Pettorelli, N., Kenter, J.O., Wagatora, D., Schuett, D., (2011). Vulnerability and maladaptation in Makira, Solomon Islands. Global Environmental Change. 21, 1275-1289.
  60. Kenter, J.O., Hyde, T., Christie, M., Fazey, I., (2011). The importance of deliberation in valuing ecosystem services – evidence from the Solomon Islands. Global Environmental Change. 21, 505-521.

Other peer-reviewed publications

  1. Gronchi, I., Kenter, J.O., et al. (2022). Turning the Tide: Landscape analysis of an emergent economic movement in Europe. Laudes Foundation.
  2. Kenter, J.O., Martino, S. (eds). (2021). Sustainable Governance of Marine and Coastal Heritage: Methods, Tools and Approaches. PERICLES / European Commission, Brussels.
  3. Albon, S., Turner, R.K., Watson, R., Anger-Kraavi, A., Bateman, I., Brown, I., Church, A., Dickie, I., Haines-Young, R., Kenter, J.O., Mee, L., Russel, D., Scott, A. et al. (2014) UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow on phase, synthesis report. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
  4. Kenter, J.O., Reed, M. S., Everard, M., Irvine, K.N., O’Brien, E., Molloy, C., Bryce, R., Brady, E., Christie, M., Church, A., Collins, T., Cooper, N., Davies, A., Edwards, D., Evely, A., Fazey, I., Goto, R., Hockley, N., Jobstvogt, N., Orchard-Webb, J., Ravenscroft, N., Ryan, M., Watson, V. (2014). Shared, plural and cultural values: A handbook for decision-makers. UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on phase. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
  5. Kenter, J.O., Reed, M. S., Irvine, K.N., O’Brien, E., Brady, E., Bryce, R., Christie, M., Church, A., Cooper, N., Davies, A., Hockley, N., Fazey, I., Jobstvogt, N., Molloy, C., Orchard-Webb, J., Ravenscroft, N., Ryan, M., Watson, V. (2014). UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on phase. Work Package Report 6: Shared, Plural and Cultural Values of Ecosystems. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
  6. Church, A., Fish, R., Haines-Young, R., Mourator, S., Tratalos, J., Stapleton, L., Willis, C., Coates, P., Gibbons, S., Leyshon, C., Potschin, M., Ravenscroft, N., Sanchis-Guarner, R., Winter, M., Kenter, J.O. (2014). UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on phase. Work Package Report 5: Cultural Ecosystem Services and Indicators. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
  7. Hölzinger, O., Kenter, J.O. (2014) An overview of monetary valuation. In: UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on phase, technical report: Embedding the ecosystem approach into policy and decision making processes. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
  8. Kenter, J.O., Bryce, R., Davies, A., Jobstvogt, N., Watson, V., Ranger, S., Solandt, J.L., Duncan, C., Christie, M., Crump, H., Irvine, K.N., Pinard, M., Reed, M.S. (2013). The value of potential marine protected areas in the UK to divers and sea anglers. UK National Ecosystem Assessment interim report. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK.


Book chapters

  1. Kenter, J.O., Azzopardi, E., Barnard, L., Lafayette, J.O., Nelson, B., Isacs, L., Martino, S., O’Connor, S., 2024. Cultural Values Related to Marine and Coastal Environments, in: Baird, D., Elliott, M. (Eds.), Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (Second Edition). Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 166–179.
  2. Kenter, J.O. (2023) Deliberative ecological economics. Edgar Encyclopedia of Ecological Economics (eds E.P. Rosa & J. Ramos-Martin) Edward Elgar Publishing.
  3. Kenter, J.O., Martino, S., Delaney, A.E., Azzopardi, E. (2021). Introduction. In: Sustainable Governance of Marine and Coastal Heritage: Methods, Tools and Approaches. PERICLES / European Commission, Brussels.
  4. Delaney, A.E., Martino, S., Kenter, J.O., Azzopardi, E. (2021). Setting the scene – challenges and concepts for sustainable, integrated heritage governance. In: Sustainable Governance of Marine and Coastal Heritage: Methods, Tools and Approaches. PERICLES / European Commission, Brussels.
  5. Martino, S., Kenter, J.O. (2021). The Ecosystem Approach. In: Sustainable Governance of Marine and Coastal Heritage: Methods, Tools and Approaches. PERICLES / European Commission, Brussels.
  6. Azzopardi, E., Kenter, J.O. 2021. Heritage values – a framework for integrating heritage in valuations. In: Sustainable Governance of Marine and Coastal Heritage: Methods, Tools and Approaches. PERICLES / European Commission, Brussels.
  7. Kenter, J.O., Ferguson, L. (2021). Participatory and Deliberative Approaches. In: Sustainable Governance of Marine and Coastal Heritage: Methods, Tools and Approaches. PERICLES / European Commission, Brussels.
  8. Martino, S., Kenter, J.O. (2021). Economic Valuation. In: Sustainable Governance of Marine and Coastal Heritage: Methods, Tools and Approaches. PERICLES / European Commission, Brussels.
  9. Kenter, J.O., (2020). Deliberative and Non Monetary Valuation of Ecosystem Services, in: Les Services Écosystémiques Dans Les Espaces Agricoles. Paroles De Chercheur(E)S. Paris, pp. 127–138.
  10. Alexander, K., Kenter, J.O., Brennan, R. (2017). Marine Stewardship. In: Bieling, C., Plieninger, T. (eds). The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship. Cambridge University Press.
  11. Kenter, J.O. (2017). Deliberative Monetary Valuation. In: Spash, C. (ed). Routledge Handbook of Ecological Economics. Routledge, London.
  12. Kenter, J.O. (2016). Deliberative and non-monetary valuation. In: Potschin, M., Haines-Young, R., Fish, R., Turner, R.K. (eds). Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services. Routledge, London.
  13. Kenter, J.O. & Fazey, I.R. (2015) Conservation, Culture, Kids and Cash Crops in the Solomon Islands. Conflicts in Conservation: Navigating Towards Solutions (eds S.M. Redpath, R.J. Guitierrez, K.A. Wood & J.C. Young) Cambridge University Press,
  14. Krater, J. (pseud.) & Rose, M. (2010). Development of Iceland’s geothermal energy potential for aluminium production – a critical analysis. In: Abrahamsky, K. (ed). Sparking a worldwide energy revolution: social struggles in the transition to a post-petrol world. AK Press, Oakland / Edinburgh.



  1. Reed, M.S., Kenter, J.O., Hansda, R., Martin, J., Whittingham, M.J. (2020). Social barriers and opportunities to the implementation of the England Peat Strategy. Final report to Natural England and Defra. Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
  2. Fazey, I., Carmen, E., Rao-Williams, J., Hodgson, A., Fraser, J., Cox, L., Scott, D., Tabor, P., Robeson, D., Searle, B.A., Lyon, C., Kenter, J.O., Murray, B. (2017). Community Resilience to Climate Change: Outcomes of the Scottish Borders Climate Resilient Communities Project. Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience, University of Dundee.
  3. Fazey, I; Carmen, E.; Rao-Williams, J.; Fraser, J.; Cox, L.; Scott, D.; Hodgson, A.; Tabor, P.; Robeson, D.; Searle, B.; Lyon, C.; Kenter, J.O.; Murray, B. (2017). Community Resilience to Climate Change. Summary for policy and practice. Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience, University of Dundee.
  4. Scott, B.E., Irvine, K.N., Byg, A., Gubbins, M., Kafas, A., Kenter, J.O., MacDonald, A., O’Hara Murray, R., Potts, T., Slater, AM., Tweddle, J.F., Wright, K., Davies, I.M. (2016). The Cooperative Participatory Evaluation of Renewable Technologies on Ecosystem Services (CORPORATES). Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science, Vol 7, No 01.
  5. Reed, M.S., Kenter, J.O. (2015) Valuing the Dark Peak: A Deliberative Approach to Payments for Peatland Ecosystem Services. Moors for the Future / Peak District National Park, Edale.
  6. Kenter, J.O. (2014) Tool review: Deliberative monetary valuation. Annex to: UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on phase, Work Package Report 10: Tools, application, benefits and linkages for ecosystem scienceUNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
  7. Davies, A., Bryce, R., Reed, M.S., Kenter, J.O., Cowap, C. (2014) Tool review: Multi-criteria decision analysis. Annex to: UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on phase, Work Package Report 10: Tools, application, benefits and linkages for ecosystem scienceUNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
  8. Kenter, J.O. Valuing the Inner Forth (2013). Inner Forth Landscape Initiative / RSPB, Edinburgh.
  9. Artz, R.R.E., Donnelly, D., Cuthbert, A., Evans, C., Smart, S., Reed, M., Kenter, J. and Clark, J. (2012). Restoration of lowland raised bogs in Scotland: Emissions savings and the implications of a changing climate on lowland raised bog condition. IUCN Peatland Committee / Scottish Wildlife Trust, Edinburgh. 


Policy notes, professional publications, etc.

  • Kenter, J.O., Reed, M.S. (2015). Taking account of the shared values of ecosystem services. Bulletin of the British Ecological Society 46, 37-39
  • Kenter, J.O., Reed M.S. (2014). Taking account of the shared and cultural values of ecosystem services. Environmental Scientist 23 (4), 38-43
  • Kenter, J.O., Reed, M.S. (2014). Taking account of shared and cultural values of ecosystem services. LWEC Policy and Practice Note 11.
  • Kenter, J.O. (2011). Finding nature’s value in the South Pacific. AU Science Magazine, Autumn 2011.
  • McGinlay, J., Kenter, J.O., Davies, A. (2011). Crossing disciplines for conservation. Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, March 2011.
  • Kenter, J.O. (2011) Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis, Stapledon Society Bulletin 8, 26-27.
  • Kenter, J.O. (2010) Environmental values and resource change in Kahua, Solomon Islands, Stapledon Society Bulletin, 7, 14-23.