Research group

Dr Jasper Kenter, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Deliberative Ecological Economics (Principal Investigator)

Dr Simone Martino, Research Fellow in Resource Economics

Elaine Azzopardi, Research Fellow in Ecosystem-Culture Interrelations

Sarah Knight, Research Associate in Participatory GIS

Will Jessop, PhD Researcher, “Sustainable Peatland Edge Woodland

Lucy Greenhill, PhD Researcher, “Evaluating marine planning approaches as a means to achieve sustainable marine development”

Sue Ranger, PhD Researcher, “Advancing methods for valuing cultural ecosystem services: A subjective well-being approach”

Jacob Ainscough, PhD Researcher, “Exploring the interface between ecosystem services and environmental governance in marine planning in Scotland”

Lina Isacs, PhD Researcher, “Shared values: Challenging the boundaries of environmental economic valuation through deliberation

Jordan-Blanchard Lafayette, Research Assistant, IPBES Values Assessment, “Local knowledge and values of UK coasts and seas”

Former group members

Nora Albers, Research Assistant, Deliberative evaluation of post-brexit peatland management

James Reeves and Harry Cross, Research Assistants, IPBES values assessment systematic review

Dr Marcello Graziano, Research Fellow in Economic Geography (now at Central Michigan University)

Dr Ruth Brennan, Research Fellow in Social Ecology (now at Trinity College, Dublin)

Dr Rosalind Bryce, Research Fellow UK National Ecosystem Assessment (now at University of the Highlands and Islands)

Dr Althea Davies, Research Fellow UK National Ecosystem Assessment (now at University of St Andrews)

Dr Niels Jobstvogt, Research Assistant UK National Ecosystem Assessment

Dr Derek Purdy, “A cultural value for seagrass meadows in aquatic agricultural systems: Implications for aquaculture development projects

Elisavet Spanou, “Understanding the impacts of aquaculture and marine conservation on cultural ecosystem services: integrating subjective well-being approaches and hedonic pricing”

Isabella Impesi, “The impact of peatland ecosystem service tipping points on cultural values”

Seb O’Connor,“Finding the voice of the biotic community: deliberative valuation of marine policy changes on the West Coast of Scotland”

Jessica Savage,“UK fisheries policy post Brexit”